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PERF Town Hall Meeting in Collaboration with the IACP
Sunday, October 15, 2023, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST
Category: Events

PERF Town Hall Meeting in Collaboration with the IACP

Sunday, October 15, 1-5 PM

San Diego Convention Center—Ballroom 20 A-D

San Diego, California

At this lively, four-hour, unscripted open forum, we will tackle the most pressing issues facing the policing profession today. Participation, debate and spontaneous discussion are what make PERF's Town Hall Meetings unique and informative. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation and to raise any issue or question.

Individuals registered for the IACP conference will be able to access Ballroom 20 A-D in the San Diego Convention Center with their conference credential. If you are not planning to register for the full IACP conference but want to attend the PERF Town Hall, please contact Soline Simenauer at [email protected] or 202-454-8326 for information.


PERF Reception

Sunday, October 15, 5-7 PM

San Diego Convention Center—Ballroom 20 Foyer

Immediately after the Town Hall, PERF will host a reception in the foyer outside the ballroom to give you a chance to connect with colleagues.


PERF Booth (#2149)

San Diego Convention Center—Exposition Hall 

Stop by our exhibit booth to meet PERF staff and members, hear about recent developments in our ICAT (Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics) training, and learn about plans for our 2024 SMIP (Senior Management Institute for Police) sessions.

The PERF booth will be staffed during Exposition Hall hours on October 14 and 16. On October 15 the PERF booth will be staffed from 10 AM - noon.

If you have any questions about PERF's activities at the IACP conference, please contact Soline Simenauer at [email protected] or 202-454-8326.

Contact: Soline Simenauer, [email protected]